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2024.11.15 13:19 sidehustle2025 How Much Money Can You Make Selling Ebooks on Gumroad?

This post was originally published on Substack. Head there if you want to see the images, proofof income, and any links that aren’t shown below. Or just read here if you don’t need to see them.
I’ve been running side hustles for over 20 years and recently wrote a book about what worked for me. It’s called The Side Hustle & Passive Income Blueprint. The platform I chose to sell it on was Gumroad. That got me wondering how much money creators actually make selling on the platform.
In the online world, most businesses and side hustles are a kind of winner-takes-all game. You’re essentially competing against the whole world, so it’s all a few that make it to the top in any sector.
While reasearching, I came across this article that had a breakdown of how much income sellers earned in 2020. Note that this is income not profit. Fees from Gumroad, Stripe, and PayPal will take around 15-17% of that. There will also be other costs such as paying a designer to design both the ebook and a cover, and also marketing costs.
I wasn’t surprised to find out that very few earn the top amounts, while the vast majority share the scraps. This is Pareto Principle in action.
These figures are from 2020 when sellers generated a total income of $142 million.
8 people earned over $1 million on Gumroad in 2020
But I was pretty shocked to realize that some creators could earn this amount of money in a year. But these could be corporations with big marketing departments, so their expenses could also be high. But still, a cool $1 million in a year is something to apsire to.
But what about the rest?
Here’s a breakdown from the article.
8 creators made a minimum of $1,000,000 (0.01%)
179 creators made a minimum of $100,000 (0.23%)
1,853 creators made a minimum of $10,000 (2.42%)
7,945 creators made a minimum of $1,000 (10.39%)
20,591 creators made a minimum of $100 (26.92%)
45,917 creators made under $100 (60.03%)
There are a total of 76,493 creators listed above. There are probably others that made $0.
So, only around one creator out of every 9,500 gets to make $1 million.
The overwhelming majority (60%) make under $100 a year.
Does this put me off?
Not at all. In fact, it encourages me. I’m pretty suprised that there were only 76,493 creators making money in 2020. Of course, the figures will be different today, but they’re unlikely to be wildly different.
What I take from the above figures is that I’ll never make $1 million a year from Gumroad sales. Hell, I won’t even make $100,000 a year. I’m simply not that good, so there’s no point pretending.
But to make good money, you don’t need to be the best.
One out of every 40 people made above $10,000 a year. It’s these creators that I see as my real competition. I don’t know If I can emulate them, but I know it’s at least realistic. Many of my past side hustles have made over $10,000 a year, so I’m up for the challenge.
Around 1 in 8 made at least $1,000 a year. That’s only $83 a month. I’m already at that level, so I’m off to a decent start.
But I’d need to 10X my current sales to get to the next level. Game on.
I don’t see the bottom 60% as competiton at all. These are probably mostly people that uploaded a product because they thought sales would be easy but then gave up when they realized they needed to put in some work.
How can I get from $1,000 a year to $10,000 year?

  1. Create more ebooks. Almost all my sales have come from my first ebook, The Side Hustle & Passive Income Blueprint. In theory, if I can create a total of 10 ebooks, I should earn 10 times the income. Not so easy in practice though. I’m fully aware of that.
  2. Do more marketing. So far, sales have come from links in forums, Gumroad suggestions, and a couple in the last month from Google. I plan to add Instragram and Pinterest accounts to drive more traffic.

Both of these will take time, so I’m not expecting quick results. This might take me a year or two. Or even three or four. It’s entirely possible that I’ll give up and sell the business at some point in between. I almost sold it last month but decided not to.
My earnings to date
Between 19 Feb and today, I’ve made 227 sales and earned $880.66. This means I’m on target to reach $1,000 in a full year. That would put me in the top 13% of creators on the platform. I’m nothing special when it comes to creating ebooks, so if I can do it, anyone can.
Getting to $10,000 a year would put me in the top 3%. $10,000 a year isn’t anything fancy, but it’s certainly a nice side income that can become more passive over time.
My main book, The Side Hustle & Passive Income Blueprint, had 132 sales and earned $862.64.
My free book, 101 Side Hustle Facts That Will Blow Your Mind, had 95 downloads and made $18.02 from donations. I might delete this book because it’s just plain text. When anyone downloads it, they may mistakenly think that my paid books are also plain text. In fact, they’re quite beautifully designed.
My newest book, Unleash Your Potential: 366 Days of Motivational Quotes, has only just been published and doesn’t have any sales yet. This is the first time I’ve mentioned it anywhere. I might create a separate Substack newsletter for that book and just send out on quote a day.
Next up is probably an ecommerce book.
Do you have any products for sale on Gumroad or are you planning any? Let me know in the comments section below.

submitted by sidehustle2025 to passive_income [comments]

Finanziamenti e agevolazioni



2024.11.15 05:13 Beneficial_Garage387 Concern about the early application process for UofT TrackOne

Hi everyone,
I am currently in Grade 12 and doing an early application for the TrackOne engineering program, which requires me to do a Personal Profile.
My first question is:
For the personal profile, after you are done attempting the practice questions, are you put straight into the actual profile questions or can you choose when you want to do them?
My second question is:
Does anyone also have any tips on preparing for the actual questions in advance?
The university page and many others say there isn’t a way to practice. but for me, if I don’t practice I feel that I might screw up during the actual interview day.
One last question I want to ask is:
I currently have a 94.33% average so far from Mid-Terms (97 in Chemistry, 96 in AP Advanced Functions (the course code is MHF4U0), 91 in grade 12 English, 95 in both grade 11 French and Grade 12 Specialized Comp Science, and 92 in Pre-AP Physics).
I participated in 2 different sports teams, from grade 10 to grade 12 (I will participate in one again in grade 12), volunteered at an elementary school to help teachers and tutor grade 3-4 students, am part of my school’s Math Contest club and AP Physics club and have been participating in various Waterloo Contests over the years. I am also part of a specialized program at my school. I am also part of my school’s robotics team, though as a trainee (I did partially participate last year but in a very small amount) and am planning on tutoring students at my school.
I know that I am giving out a lot of information and it seems quite unnecessary, but I just want to know where I stand in applying, my chances and the things I should improve or get to work on.
Sorry for the long read, and thank you for your help!

submitted by Beneficial_Garage387 to UofT [comments]

2024.11.15 04:57 elguailo Looking for old friends

Apologies in advance for writing this in English but I don’t want to embarrass myself with poorly written Spanish in this channel.
As the title says, I was hoping to find out if there might be some suggested ways of connecting with old friends I used to know when I lived in Zaragoza back in ’91/’92… I’ve done some google searches for the names of people I remember but I’ve forgotten some of the surnames and haven’t had any luck recognising the pictures that turn up. Also, I was 11 years old when I lived there so like any normal kids of that age – we didn’t go in to much detail about family names when we were chatting/playing. Also after 30+ years since then I barely recognise myself in recent pictures).
I lived near Puerta del Carmen on C. Capitan Esponera (now C. Elvira de Hidalgo) and for just one academic year (’91/’92) went to Colegio Publico Joaquín Costa. If anyone remembers me it would be as the blond English boy (James/Jaime) who arrived not speaking any Spanish to begin with.
I practically lived in the patio ( 41.649478962504, -0.889098116621616 ) behind the building and the arcades in and around Centro Independencia (El Caracol) when I wasn’t at school.
So if there are any local groups/websites I might not be aware of that are more commonly used in Zaragoza/Spain that could help someone like me reconnect with local people/school friends – please let me know.
And even if this is a longshot – the names of a few of the kids I hung around with were Isaac (who lived on C. de García Galdeano), Pablo, Diego (address unknown) and Diego Lázaro (P.º de María Agustín, 31B (I think!) and the only one who’s surname I remember because of there being another Diego in the group).
Thanks for any help on this… James/Jaime (el Ingles)

submitted by elguailo to Zaragoza [comments]

2024.11.15 04:48 LatspreadCS [NA] LFT Main+

West coast. Returning to the game. Main experience in CSGO. Looking for a team for next season that is willing to practice and improve. Available everyday after 5pm PST.
2.3k ELO (Don’t pug much) 1.33 rating / 92 adr this season (s51)
Prefer to play rotating spots on CT and lurk T-side, but can also entry. Comfortable late round.
Add me on Faceit (Latspread) or DM me on Reddit for more information.
Faceit: https://www.faceit.com/en/players/Latspread Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198233634028/
Thank you!

submitted by LatspreadCS to RecruitCS [comments]

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2024.11.15 04:38 HunkieJunkie43 Chance me for UT (and others)

Hello! I went to TCU for one semester, then transferred to Dallas College (online), while living on the UT campus. I’m planning to transfer for my junior year. My main goal is to get into UT, but I’m also aiming for schools like Rice, USC, and Duke. I plan to major in a business-related field, outside of economics or the traditional business school.

  • High School GPA: 95.8
  • College GPA:
    • TCU (1 semester): 3.625
    • Dallas College (1.5 years): 4.0
  • Predicted Total GPA when applying: 3.92


  • Director of B2B Outbound Sales at [Company]
    • Created a sales outreach division targeting large corporations.
    • Collaborated successfully with Fortune 500 companies, including Apple and Amazon.
    • Developed funnels and custom AI automations, boosting corporate orders by 50%.
  • Business Consultant (Various Projects)
    • [Company] / Beta Tester: Provided feedback on upcoming AI software with the CEO and development teams, troubleshooting issues pre-launch.
    • App Development Consultant: Consulted on development and provided insights, recognized for CTO-level contributions in app development.
    • Lawn Care Startup Consultant: Analyzed business operations to maximize growth, reorganized the business structure, optimized tax strategies, developed employee management, and implemented automated sales leads, resulting in a 37% sales increase in six months.
    • Photography Business Consultant: Assisted with offerings and pricing strategies, leading to increased revenue.
  • Founder of [Company]
    • Founded a digital agency focused on platform monetization, increasing audience engagement, and revenue generation for influencers with 500K+ followers.
    • Initiated affiliate marketing, sponsored content, online course sales, and coaching services, along with niche target consulting, online ad strategy, lead generation, and chatbot automation.
    • Increased engagement by 40% over three months, generating an additional $20K in revenue.
  • Founder of a Tech Company for Dentists and Orthodontists :
    • Partnered with a multi-seven-figure business owner to develop a comprehensive, all-in-one platform tailored for dental and orthodontic practices. The software includes CRM, automated marketing, landing pages, reputation management, and social media tools to enhance patient engagement and streamline practice operations.
  • Business INCubator – National Pitch Winner and 1st Place Winner
    • Secured a total of $35,000 in funding, which was used to develop an app. Served as the CTO of the company, leading the technical aspects and collaborating with mentors, venture capitalists, and business leaders.
  • Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award
    • Chamber of Commerce, 12th grade.
  • YouTube Channel / Founder
    • Managed a brand identity across multiple media, totaling over 10.3 million public impressions.
    • Spearheaded advertising, ad revenue, and partnered with companies to promote content.
    • Produced original video content, interacted with a community of 23.5K+ subscribers.


  • Surfing Club at UT: Currently a member, with plans to become treasurer, assisting with tax strategies, managing finances, and ensuring dues are paid.
  • Music: Self-taught pianist and guitarist, with plans to publish original classical pieces.
  • Programming: Self-taught in Python, continually expanding my coding skills.
  • Sports: Beach volleyball enthusiast, competed in international tournaments.
  • Games: Chess player and strategy game enthusiast.

Thanks for the long read, also I will have great LORs but they are from business owners I have worked with. Not professors (which is what it said in the Wiki), so not sure there. I also have more business stuff but this is the most prevalent info.
This is a rough draft of what I have so keep that mind.

submitted by HunkieJunkie43 to TransferToTop25 [comments]

2024.11.15 02:25 FantasyGoldenBoy FGB’s Week 11 Flex Projections

Mean Absolute Error(MAE) is the average absolute gap between my projections and the final score of each player. Decision Success Rate(DSR) is how often a decision made based on these projections, between any two players, would be correct(.9 point buffer).
Mean Absolute Error

Carta di credito con fido

Procedura celere


  • Overall = 3.9
  • Flex Range(36-100) = 4.0
  • RB = 3.9
  • WR = 4.5
  • TE = 3.0

Decision Success Rate

  • Top 175 = 80.7%
  • Flex Range = 79.9%

A ridiculously good week, even with Ja’Marr Chase destroying all projections the MAE’s were the lowest of the year across the board and the DSR’s were the highest. Ignoring Chase, my biggest negative miss was Calvin Ridley at -14.1 and my biggest positive miss was Saquon Barkley at +12.6. Definitely surprised by Barkley but it’s not actionable and Calvin Ridley is a volatile player but has a great schedule going forward so he may creep up in the rankings.
Projections focused on predicting touchdowns using high value plays adjusted for match-ups, weather, game script and implied team totals among many other factors.

Position High Value Plays for projecting TDs Weather Spread Implied Team Total Matchup
Wide Receiver 1st Read Targets inside the 20 and 1st Read Targets with 20+ AY High Wind effects performance adjusted for each receivers individual aDOT Adjusts usage for expected blowouts Adjusts touchdown chance CB/WR Matchup rating and Coverage Grades from (www.fantasypoints.com) as well as adjusted points allowed to alignment(Wide/Slot).
Running Back Designed Carries inside the 20 and Routes run inside the 20 NA Adjusts usage for expected blowouts Adjusts touchdown chance OL/DL grade, adjusted rec pts allowed to backfield and adjusted neutral game script YPC
Tight End 1st Read targets inside the 20 NA Adjusts usage for expected blowouts Adjusts touchdown chance Adjusted pts allowed to Wide/Slot/Inline

Weather : No weather risks as of Thursday afternoon.
Injuries : All injuries are based off of projected lineups and injury reports, many of the Questionables will be projected here until Friday practice reports, any non projected players either have flagged phrases like “not expected to play” in their injury report or are not in expected lineups. I do not have inside information, I go off of Rotogrinders projected lineups and ESPN injury reports.
My website has deeper rankings, positional rankings and Full PPStandard as well as a Range Plot view that illustrates upside/downside based on TD% and explosive plays vs explosive plays allowed. Please feel free to ask any questions/leave criticisms about roster decisions or the projections themselves, good luck!

Rk. Overall Team Pos. Proj.
1 Ja’Marr Chase CIN WR 19.6
2 Derrick Henry BLT RB 18.6
3 Christian McCaffrey SF RB 18.5
4 Saquon Barkley PHI RB 17.9
5 Joe Mixon HST RB 16.8
6 Garrett Wilson NYJ WR 16.1
7 Kenneth Walker SEA RB 15.5
8 Jonathan Taylor IND RB 15.2
9 Jahmyr Gibbs DET RB 15.2
10 Justin Jefferson MIN WR 15.1
11 Nico Collins HST WR 15.1
12 Kyren Williams LA RB 14.8
13 De’von Achane MIA RB 14.8
14 Alvin Kamara NO RB 14.8
15 DK Metcalf SEA WR 14.8
16 Breece Hall NYJ RB 14.6
17 Bijan Robinson ATL RB 14.5
18 Josh Jacobs GB RB 14.3
19 Kareem Hunt KC RB 14.2
20 David Montgomery DET RB 14.1
21 George Pickens PIT WR 14.0
22 George Kittle SF TE 13.7
23 Amon-Ra St. Brown DET WR 13.6
24 A.J. Brown PHI WR 13.6
25 Travis Kelce KC TE 13.1
26 D’Andre Swift CHI RB 13.0
27 Puka Nacua LA WR 13.0
28 Tee Higgins CIN WR 12.9
29 Tyreek Hill MIA WR 12.6
30 Brock Bowers LV TE 12.6
31 Chase Brown CIN RB 12.6
32 Aaron Jones MIN RB 12.6
33 Terry McLaurin WAS WR 12.4
34 Davante Adams NYJ WR 12.3
35 Courtland Sutton DEN WR 12.3
36 Jakobi Meyers LV WR 12.3
37 J.K. Dobbins LAC RB 12.2
38 Brian Robinson WAS RB 12.2
39 James Cook BUF RB 12.1
40 Jaxon Smith-Njigba SEA WR 12.0
41 Tony Pollard TEN RB 11.7
42 Drake London ATL WR 11.6
43 Cooper Kupp LA WR 11.5
44 Jauan Jennings SF WR 11.5
45 CeeDee Lamb DAL WR 11.4
46 Deandre Hopkins KC WR 10.7
47 Darnell Mooney ATL WR 10.7
48 Deebo Samuel SF WR 10.5
49 Ladd McConkey LAC WR 10.3
50 Zay Flowers BLT WR 10.3
51 Najee Harris PIT RB 10.1
52 Josh Downs IND WR 10.1
53 Raheem Mostert MIA RB 10.0
54 Austin Ekeler WAS RB 9.9
55 DJ Moore CHI WR 9.8
56 Rhamondre Stevenson NE RB 9.7
57 Nick Chubb CLV RB 9.6
58 Khalil Shakir BUF WR 9.6
59 Alexander Mattison LV RB 9.6
60 Tyler Lockett SEA WR 9.6
61 Calvin Ridley TEN WR 9.5
62 Jayden Reed GB WR 9.4
63 Rome Odunze CHI WR 9.3
64 Ricky Pearsall SF WR 9.2
65 Brian Thomas JAX WR 9.0
66 Cedric Tillman CLV WR 9.0
67 David Njoku CLV TE 8.9
68 Amari Cooper BUF WR 8.7
69 T.J. Hockenson MIN TE 8.7
70 DeVonta Smith PHI WR 8.6
71 Tank Dell HST WR 8.5
72 Keenan Allen CHI WR 8.4
73 Sam LaPorta DET TE 8.3
74 Rico Dowdle DAL RB 8.2
75 Mark Andrews BLT TE 8.1
76 Tank Bigsby JAX RB 8.0
77 Jordan Addison MIN WR 7.9
78 Romeo Doubs GB WR 7.9
79 Quentin Johnston LAC WR 7.8
80 Taysom Hill NO TE 7.7
81 Evan Engram JAX TE 7.6
82 Demarcus Robinson LA WR 7.6
83 Demario Douglas NE WR 7.6
84 Jaylen Waddle MIA WR 7.6
85 Javonte Williams DEN RB 7.6
86 Tre Tucker LV WR 7.5
87 Audric Estime DEN RB 7.3
88 Michael Pittman IND WR 7.3
89 Jake Ferguson DAL TE 7.3
90 Mike Gesicki CIN TE 7.2
91 Tyler Conklin NYJ TE 7.2
92 Jerry Jeudy CLV WR 7.0
93 Jerome Ford CLV RB 6.9
94 Hunter Henry NE TE 6.9
95 Dallas Goedert PHI TE 6.9
96 Jameson Williams DET WR 6.9
97 Travis Etienne JAX RB 6.9
98 Kyle Pitts ATL TE 6.9
99 Tucker Kraft GB TE 6.8
100 Jalen Tolbert DAL WR 6.8​

submitted by FantasyGoldenBoy to fantasyfootball [comments]

2024.11.15 00:06 cometandcosmo chances of getting into a california bsn program?

hi, i’m currently applying for fall 2025 bsn program for practically all of the state schools (csu stanislaus, long beach, sac, sf, bakersfield, fresno, east bay and a couple more) i was wondering if anyone has gotten into california bsn programs with similar stats my stats: -3.92 cum GPA – I have all A’s in all of my classes – Cna License -86.7 teas score – 200+ volunteer hours – and i have worked for 6 months as a medication tech however i don’t think that will get me any points as it doesn’t fall under the usual categories for work

Prestito condominio

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submitted by cometandcosmo to prenursing [comments]

2024.11.14 23:45 ozioma_J 8weeks training on Igbo language for Adults and Children

Hello guys,
I am currently organising an 8 weeks personalised beginner friendly online Igbo language training, designed for beginners and those looking to deepen their understanding of Igbo culture and communication!
What You’ll Get:
Weekly Live Sessions with experienced native Igbo instructors
Personalized Lessons tailored to your level and learning style(we have classes for adults and children)
Small Class Sizes for more interaction and practice
Practical Exercises to build your speaking, reading, and listening skills
Why Join Us? Whether you’re of Igbo heritage wanting to reconnect, a language lover, or just curious about African languages, this course will give you a solid foundation in Igbo in just two months!
For more information or to register, feel free to reach out:
WhatsApp: +2348125374177 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/precious.onuorah.92

submitted by ozioma_J to Nigeria [comments]

2024.11.14 23:00 1standFantasyPodcast Washington Commanders vs. Philadelphia Eagles – Not So Brief Armchair Analysis (Now Longer with Bold & Italics!)

Washington Commanders (+3.5 – 22.5 Implied Point Total) vs. Philadelphia Eagles (-3.5 – 26 Implied Point Total) 48.5 total point oveunder
Jayden Daniels
QB #6 on the year – 19.23 fantasy points per game
226.5 Passing Yards OveUnder (-113)/1.5 Passing TDs OveUnder (+136)/43.5 Rushing Yards OveUnder (-113)/+186 Odds to Score an Anytime TD (7th Highest in the Game)
Jayden Daniels started off the year on fire and slowly has simmered more to a contained flame as opposed to a non-stop forest fire. I do think some of that has to do with his injured ribs that obviously affected his ability to throw accurately and his rushing opportunities over the past few weeks. I also think that over time opposing defenses have been able to scheme against him as opposed to at the start of the season when they had little to no game film to study.
Regardless, Daniels has been averaging 214.7 passing yards (199.6 yards at home vs. 229.8 yards on the road) on 26.2 attempts and 18.0 completions with .9TDs and .2INTs per game. He is also averaging 46.4 rushing yards (46.6 yards at home vs. 46.2 yards on the road) on 8.5 attempts and .4TDs per game as well. In the first 6 weeks, he averaged 10.5 rushing attempts and 53.67 rushing yards per game. After his injury in Week 7, he has averaged 6.33 rushing attempts for 30.67 rushing yards per game. That right there is a difference of 2.3 fantasy points per game just from his decreased rushing opportunities. Through the first 6 weeks he was completing 75% of his passes but in the past 3 weeks he has completed 56% of his passes. That is a huge discrepancy and is not all due to the opposing defenses stopping him. Right now, even with missing 86% of the snaps in Week 7, Daniels ranks as the QB #6 on the year where he averages 19.23 fantasy points per game. Just another gift from the Fantasy Gods based on where he was drafted and the uncertainty coming into this season.
As time goes on and his ribs heal, I believe he will get back closer to the first 6 weeks of the season than to the previous 3 weeks. His bye is in Week 14 which is the perfect timing for those looking to make a deep playoff run and don’t need to win their final matchup to make it in. Vegas thinks that Daniels might have to throw to stay in this game as they have set his passing line at 226.5 yards (11.8 yards more than his season average) with 1.5 Passing TDs (.6 more than his season average) along with 43.5 rushing yards (2.9 yards less than his season average) while giving him +186 odds to score an Anytime TD (7th highest in the game).
To me, this just shows that Vegas is also concerned about the injury restricting his rushing attempts and goal line opportunities forcing him to throw more. The Commanders are a 3.5 point underdog and will be playing on the road while facing the 3rd ranked defense when it comes to passing yards allowed per week (173.4) and 5th in overall scoring defense. Over the past 24 hours, the money has been placed on the Eagles to win but hasn’t been enough to change the spread. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a blowout for the Eagles this week, however, this is not an attempt to convince you to bench Daniels. Start your studs at this time of the year.
Projection: 20/30 210 yards 1TDs 1INT/7 attempts 39 yards
Brian Robinson Jr.
RB #27 on the year in Half PPR Scoring – 13.5 fantasy points per game (7 games played)
45.5 Rushing Yards OveUnder (-113)/+135 Odds to Score an Anytime TD (4th Highest in the Game) = Opened at +115 Odds to Score an Anytime TD (T-3rd Highest in the Game)
*Brian Robinson Jr. is 1-2 (0-1 at home vs. 1-1 on the road) in his career against the Philadelphia Eagles where he averages 66.3 Rushing Yards on 16.7 attempts with .7TDs along with 8.7 Receiving Yards on 1.3 targets and 1.3 receptions with 0TDs per game*
Brian Robinson is off the injury report and fully healthy for this week’s matchup. It has been about 6 weeks since we last saw Robinson fully healthy and taking the majority of the opportunities for the Commanders’ backfield. It is hard to gauge on the surface as he played Weeks 7 and 8 injured and on a snap count but still produced as the RB 20 and 34 respectively. The injury definitely affected him though as prior to that, his lowest finish was the RB #22 in Week 3.
Regardless, Robinson is averaging 65.86 rushing yards (71.75 yards at home vs. 58 yards on the road) on 14.43 attempts and .86TDs per game. Somewhat surprisingly, he is also involved in the passing game where he averages 11.29 receiving yards (3.5 yards at home vs. 21.67 yards on the road) on 1.71 targets and 1.29 receptions with 0TDs per game. Over his 7 games played, he has seen 25 red zone opportunities (3.5 per game) and has scored 6TDs on those chances (converting 24% of his opportunities in the red zone into TDs). That has been something that the Commanders have sorely missed over the past few weeks as they have given Ekeler those carries but he has been far less efficient with them (2 per game and scored 3TDs or 15% conversion). Obviously, Ekeler has never been the big bruising goal line back but he has been thrust into that role as of late.
Robinson is the RB #27 on the year in Half PPR Scoring where he is averaging 13.5 fantasy points per game in only 7 games played. On a PPG basis, he would rank as the RB #15 on the year. Again, not bad for a dead zone RB where expectations were all across the board coming into the season. Vegas is down on Robinson this week as there are a few factors to take in consideration before putting him in your lineup. His rushing line is 45.5 yards (20.36 yards less than his season average) for this week’s matchup. When the odds opened, Robinson had +115 odds to score an Anytime TD which was tied for 3rd highest in the game with Ekeler. Since Robinson has been taken off the injury report, those odds have moved down to +125 but Ekeler is considerably lower showing that if the Commanders do score a rushing TD it will most likely be Robinson over Daniels (protecting the ribs) or Ekeler.
This week might be a little bit more difficult for Robinson as he will be facing the 5th ranked defense when it comes to total Rushing Yards allowed per game (100.7) while only allowing 85 rushing yards and 11.11 fantasy points per game to the RB position this season. Robinson’s bread and butter has been the goal line and the Eagles rank 3rd in Red Zone defense allowing only 42.3% conversion rate. This will be the ultimate rock meets immovable object as Robinson is bound to get a few goal line opportunities this week but might come up empty handed.
Projection: 12 attempts 41 yards 1TD/3 targets 2 receptions 11 yards
Austin Ekeler
RB #28 on the year in Half PPR Scoring – 10.4 fantasy points per game
+220 Odds to Score an Anytime TD (7th Highest in the Game) = Opened at +115 Odds to Score an Anytime TD (T-3rd Highest in the Game)
*Austin Ekeler is 1-1 (0-1 at home vs. 1-0 on the road) in his career against the Philadelphia Eagles where he averages 94 Rushing Yards on 9 attempts with .5TDs along with 23 Receiving Yards on 2.5 targets and 2.5 receptions with 0TDs per game*
So I admit, I was a little bit hard on Austin Ekeler earlier this season. My first write-up on him did not give him the credit he deserves for the NFL and Fantasy production he has been able to get in his limited role (and also when BRob doesn’t play). It is also difficult to share the backfield with another good RB and also a talented running QB. So this is me giving Austin Ekeler his credit and conceding that maybe he isn’t as old and slow as I first thought.
Over the season, Ekeler is averaging 36.22 rushing yards (43.6 yards at home vs. 27 yards on the road) on 7 attempts and .44TDs per game. He is also involved in the passing game where he is averaging 28.33 receiving yards (18.6 yards at home vs. 40.5 yards on the road) on 3 targets and 2.56 receptions with 0TDs per game. He is currently averaging 5.2 yards per carry which is tied for 6th highest among all qualifying RBs this season. If that is not crazy enough, the most surprising part is the utilization in the passing game as generally speaking running QBs tend to decrease the opportunity for dump-offs or designed screen plays.
Ultimately, the Commanders have been an unexpected gift from the Fantasy gods for multiple players, Ekeler included. Austin ranks as the RB #28 on the year in Half PPR Scoring where he is averaging 10.4 fantasy points per game. The only caveat I will give is the fact that Brian Robinson was taken off the injury report Wednesday and should be a full go this week for the first time since Week 5. Even with his snap percentage under 50% from Week 5 on, Robinson has still finished as the RB14, 20 and 34 in the games he has played. In those same weeks, Ekeler finished as the RB 23, 52 and 39 respectively. This just shows me that when they are both on the field, Ekeler is more of a compliment and will have a reduced number of opportunities in the running game including on the goalline. Vegas initially only gave Ekeler odds to score an Anytime TD, setting it at +115 which is tied for 3rd highest in the game with the aforementioned Robinson.
I believe this was only done as a precaution if Robinson was limited in the game or injured. Now the odds have moved further down with the news that Robinson is fully healthy. Add that to the fact that the Eagles give up 5th fewest points per game/offensive TDs and are ranked 3rd in Red Zone defense, I would imagine Ekeler will take a backseat this week and moving forward.
Projection: 9 attempts 29 yards/5 targets 3 receptions 25 yards
Terry McLaurin
WR #5 on the year in Half PPR Scoring – 12.88 fantasy points per game
60.5 Receiving Yards OveUnder (-113)/4.5 Total Receptions OveUnder (-128)/+160 Odds to Score an Anytime TD (6th Highest in the Game)
*Terry McLaurin is 3-7 (1-4 at home vs. 2-3 on the road) in his career against the Philadelphia Eagles where he averages 84.7 Receiving Yards on 8.1 targets and 5.8 receptions with .4TDs per game*
I was super high on Terry coming into this season but did not think he would turn out to be this productive for Fantasy. He has been the example of a WR2 with upside for his entire career. Who would have guessed that with a rookie QB, he would finally get over the hump and be a full time WR1?
Well, so far this season McLaurin is averaging 71.1 receiving yards (94 yards at home vs. 48.2 yards on the road) on 6.6 targets and 4.7 receptions with .6TDs per game. Even in his best season ever (2022) he averaged 70.06 receiving yards on 7.06 targets and 4.53 receptions with .29TDs per game. If the season was to end today, he would already have more TDs this season than any other year besides 2019 when he had 7. He is also on pace to obliterate his receiving record and might come close to passing his total reception record as well. With all of the moving parts within the offense and organization, the probability that the Commanders and McLaurin would be doing so well at this time in the season were very low.
With all of that said, Terry is the WR #5 on the year in Half PPR Scoring where he is averaging 12.88 fantasy points per game. You honestly can’t ask for more in return from him based on where he was drafted and what the expectations were going into the year. At this point, McLaurin is operating under the “show me otherwise” category and will remain in my starting lineup until he proves that he can lose me a week. Outside of that, his ceiling and the opportunity he gets with Daniels throwing him the ball is too immense to pass up.
Vegas does think this is going to be a down game for Terry as they set his receiving line at 60.5 yards (10.6 yards less than his season average) with 4.5 total receptions (.2 receptions less than his season average) while giving him +160 odds to score an Anytime TD (6th highest in the game). He will also be going up against the Eagles defense which ranks 3rd in Passing Yards Allowed per game (173.4) and the 11th ranked defense in terms of fantasy points scored by opposing WRs (11 receptions for 126 yards and 18 fantasy points total to the position this season). It does make sense that they are lowering expectations for this week, however, I do still think he will get enough volume and find the endzone to be viable.
Projection: 9 targets 5 receptions 60 yards 1TD
Noah Brown
WR #70 on the year in Half PPR Scoring – 6.7 fantasy points per game
37.5 Receiving Yards OveUnder (-113)/3.5 Total Receptions OveUnder (+116)/+300 Odds to Score an Anytime TD (9th Highest in the Game)
*Noah Brown is 7-3 (4-1 at home vs. 3-2 on the road) in his career against the Philadelphia Eagles where he averages 3.8 Receiving Yards on 1 target and .4 receptions with 0TDs per game*
It is hard to gauge Noah Brown as he has been the example of inconsistency throughout the year. His utilization is down the field and the lack of volume does come with that role as we have seen from similar players (Jameson Williams). This could be more of an indictment of Brown’s talent compared to the rest of the WR room, which looks mediocre at best outside of McLaurin. It might be a testament to Jayden Daniels and his ability to read the field and take what is given to him as well.
This season, Brown is averaging 43.88 receiving yards (44.5 yards at home vs. 43.25 yards on the road) on 4.75 targets and 3.13 receptions with .13TDs per game. Those numbers are good enough to put him at WR #70 on the year in Half PPR Scoring where he is averaging 6.7 fantasy points per game. Keep in mind, he also missed the first two weeks of the season due to injury and changed teams in the offseason while playing with a rookie QB. He very well could improve as the season goes on and might ultimately take the WR2 spot that the Commanders have been trying to fill since the off-season.
Unfortunately, looking at the deeper analytics, he has not had a game with over 5 receptions and he has not exceeded 75 yards this season even with Daniels averaging 214.7 yards per game. Even in his “breakout” game he only had 6 targets and 3 receptions for 73 yards and a TD. He is the definition of boom or bust on a surprisingly high scoring team. Also, when crunch time hits and Daniels needs a completion or a first down, he more often than not looks to Luke McCaffrey to get the job done (McCaffrey has 3 red zone targets this season while averaging 45% snaps but Brown has 3 red zone targets while averaging 58% of the snaps). Vegas has set Brown’s receiving line at 37.5 yards (6.38 yards less than his season average) on 3.5 total receptions (.37 receptions more than his season average) while giving him +300 odds to score an Anytime TD which is the 9th highest in the game. Needless to say, this might not be the best matchup to play Brown in.Projection:
6 targets 4 receptions 41 yards
Zach Ertz
TE #13 on the year in Half PPR Scoring – 6.46 fantasy points per game
34.5 Receiving Yards OveUnder (-113)/3.5 Total Receptions OveUnder (-122)/+310 Odds to Score an Anytime TD (10th Highest in the Game)
*Zach Ertz is 0-1 (home) in his career against the Philadelphia Eagles where he averages 48 Receiving Yards on 10 targets and 6 receptions with 0TDs per game*
Ertz has been good this season, especially compared to the uncertainty that the Commanders had surrounding their offense going into this season. Who would have guessed that Jayden Daniels would look this good this quickly? Coupled with the fact that Kingsbury loves to throw to his TEs, it was the perfect storm for Ertz to have a productive/fantasy relevant season. With that said, the past two weeks he has come back down to Earth as he has not exceeded 35 yards receiving or 4 receptions in either week.
For the year, Ertz is averaging 38.1 receiving yards (44 yards at home vs. 32.2 yards on the road) on 5.4 targets and 3.7 receptions with .1TDs per game. Far from the numbers he used to average when he was in his prime on the Eagles, however, they are still good enough to put him at TE #13 on the year in Half PPR Scoring where he averages 6.46 fantasy points per game. Unfortunately, he is coming up against the 2nd ranked overall defense in yards + TDs allowed per game. Even worse, the Eagles rank 3rd in Passing Yards Allowed per game (173.4) and are 1st against opposing TEs this season only giving up 36 yards, 2.78 fantasy points and 0TDs per game to the position.
Although he has only played one game in his career against the Eagles, he still managed to end the game with his average production of 48 receiving yards on 6 receptions with 0TDs. I would expect more of the same this week especially with how good the Eagles are defending the pass and the TE position specifically. Vegas somewhat agrees as they set his receiving line at 34.5 yards (3.6 yards less than his season average) on 3.5 total receptions (.2 receptions less than his season average) and have given him +310 odds to score an Anytime TD (10th highest in the game).
Projection: 6 targets 4 receptions 33 yards
Philadelphia Eagles Defense: 2nd in Overall Defense (Yards + TD Allowed)/3rd in Passing Yards Allowed (173.4 yards per game)/5th in Rushing Yards Allowed (100.7 yards per game)/5th in Scoring Defense (17.9 points per game/16 Offensive TDs)/3rd in Red Zone Defense (42.3%)/13th in 3rd Down Defense (35.8%)/13th in Sacks (25)/14th in Turnover Differential (+1 – 6 INTs + 6 Fumbles)
Jalen Hurts
QB #4 on the year – 23.54 fantasy points per game
224.5 Passing Yards OveUnder (-113)/1.5 Passing TDs OveUnder (+126)/38.5 Rushing Yards OveUnder (-113)/-110 Odds to Score an Anytime TD (2nd Highest in the Game)
*Jalen Hurts is 5-2 (2-2 at home vs. 3-0 on the road) in his career against the Washington Commanders where he averages 247.9 Passing Yards on 29.7 attempts and 19.6 completions with 1.7TDs and .4INTs per game along with 29.1 Rushing Yards on 7.3 attempts with .7TDs per game*
Hurts has looked fantastic fantasy-wise over the past five weeks since his bye. Over that time, he has ranked as the QB8, 4, 1, 2 and 3 respectively, all while throwing for no more than 265 yards in any game or attempting more than 25 passes. That is the peak of efficiency right there, not to mention he has also scored a rushing TD in 4 of the last 5 weeks (with 3TDs in Week 8).
So far, Hurts is averaging 219.56 passing yards (238.75 yards at home vs. 204.2 yards on the road) on 26.11 attempts and 18.22 completions with 1.33TDs and .56INTs per game. He is also averaging 42 rushing yards (54.5 yards at home vs. 32 yards on the road) on 10.33 attempts with 1TD per game as well. So much for my assumption that the loss of Kelce would lead to a regression in his rushing TDs this season. Oh well. Ironically, he is actually on pace to score more rushing TDs this season than he was last season (17 vs 15). This might be due to the fact that both AJ Brown, DeVonta Smith and Dallas Goedert have all missed time this season due to injuries resulting in Hurts having to do more with his legs. Whatever the reasoning, Hurts is the QB #4 on the year where he is averaging 23.54 fantasy points per game. As we have seen, when Brown is in the line-up he will be the main focal point of the passing offense and will be good for at least one 20+ yard reception in the majority of games (more on that later).
Vegas has set Hurts’ passing line at 224.5 passing yards (4.94 yards more than his season average) with 1.5 passing TDs (.17 more than his season average). They have also set his rushing line at 38.5 yards (3.5 yards less than his season average) and have given him -110 odds to score an Anytime TD (2nd highest in the game). Needless to say, Vegas thinks this is going to be a get right game for Hurts who may finally face an opposing offense that can keep the game close so Hurts can operate for all 4 quarters.
Projection: 17/25 220 yards 2TDs/7 attempts 45 yards 1TD
Saquon Barkley
RB #3 on the year in Half PPR Scoring – 19.49 fantasy points per game
91.5 Rushing Yards OveUnder (-113)/13.5 Receiving Yards OveUnder (-115)/2.5 Total Receptions OveUnder (+122)/-180 Odds to Score an Anytime TD (Highest in the Game)
*Saquon Barkley is 5-3-1 (1-2-1 at home vs. 4-1 on the road) in his career against the Washington Commanders where he averages 88.2 Rushing Yards on 16 attempts with .4TDs along with 41.1 Receiving Yards on 5.3 targets and 4.3 receptions with .4TDs per game*
Saquon has been everything that the Eagles were hoping for when they signed him this off-season. He has stayed healthy, made highlight plays basically every week and continues to stick it to their in-division rival who refused to pay a few million more to keep him on their roster. When you have another in-division rival (Micah Parsons) talking about how good Saquon Barkley has been and how dumb the Giants are for letting him walk, you know it is bad. Parsons said the NFL is facing the consequences of the Giants’ stupidity every week, and honestly, he’s right.
To put it into perspective, Saquon is averaging 110.11 rushing yards (102.5 yards at home vs. 116.2 yards on the road) on 19 attempts with .67TDs per game. He is also involved in the passing game where he averages 17.56 receiving yards (22.75 yards at home vs. 13.4 yards on the road) on 2.89 targets and 2.33 receptions with .22TDs per game as well. Compare that to his best season ever (2018) where he averaged 81.69 rushing yards and .69TDs along with 45.06 receiving yards on 5.69 receptions and .25TDs per game that season. He is on pace to demolish his rushing record (1,312) and will most likely finish at or above his career record for rushing (11) and receiving TDs (4) in a season.
Those numbers put Barkley at the RB #3 on the year in Half PPR Scoring where he is averaging 19.49 fantasy points per game (compared to Derrick Henry who averages 21.06 fantasy points per game). Saquon is in line to absolutely crush this week as he will be facing off against the 28th ranked defense in rushing yards allowed per game (142.1 yards). The Commanders are somewhat stout defending against the RB position in terms of fantasy production this year as they are ranked 13th, giving up 17 fantasy points per game to the position. I don’t think that will matter much as the Eagles are home, the Commanders have looked off the past few weeks and this should be a fast paced high scoring game.
Vegas agrees as they have set Barkley’s rushing line at 91.5 yards (18.61 yards less than his season average) and his receiving line at 13.5 yards (4.06 yards less than his season average) on 2.5 total receptions (.17 more than his season average). They also gave him -180 odds to score an Anytime TD, which are the highest odds in the game. I would expect Barkley to find the endzone this Thursday and finish as a top-5 RB on the week.
Projection: 18 attempts 95 yards/5 targets 3 receptions 22 yards 1TD
AJ Brown
WR #27 on the year in Half PPR Scoring – 14.55 fantasy points per game (6 games played)
82.5 Receiving Yards OveUnder (-113)/5.5 Total Receptions OveUnder (+108)/+130 Odds to Score an Anytime TD (5th Highest in the Game)
*AJ Brown is 3-1 (1-1 at home vs. 2-0 on the road) in his career against the Washington Commanders where he averages 99.3 Receiving Yards on 8.8 targets and 5.8 receptions with 1.3TDs per game*
AJ Brown has been a great fantasy asset this season, however, it has been an inconsistent rollercoaster along with his unpredictable injuries. The Eagles offense has also been somewhat inconsistent with the addition of Barkley. In terms of NFL wins and Championship aspirations, that is not a bad thing whatsoever. In terms of fantasy football production, it can drive you mad determining which of the two WRs and what ancillary piece will have a good game week to week.
So far, Brown is averaging 92.17 receiving yards (90.33 yards at home vs. 94 yards on the road) on 6.83 targets and 4.67 receptions with .5TDs per game. In his best season (2022), he averaged 93.5 receiving yards on 8.53 targets and 5.18 receptions with .65TDs per game, which are basically mirror images of his statistics this season. I guess it goes to show you how impactful missing a game or two really is to both fantasy and NFL production. As I mentioned above, when AJ Brown and Jalen Hurts are on the field together they generally hit a 20+ yard play more frequently than not. Even this season, where he has been injured and inconsistent, he has a 20 yard or more reception in each of his 6 games played.
Last season, he had 11 games with a 20+ yard reception out of 17 played (65%) and in 2022 he had 14 games (82%). I would expect that as long as he stays healthy for the rest of the season, he should eclipse 1000 yards again. While Brown is currently the WR #27 on the year (6 games played) in Half PPR Scoring where he averages 14.55 fantasy points per game, he slots in at the WR #3 slot in PPG average. If anything, this is a buy-low window for those who have the trade deadline set at the end of Week 11.
Vegas has set his receiving line at 82.5 yards (9.67 yards less than his season average) on 5.5 total receptions (.83 receptions more than his season average) while giving him +130 odds to score an Anytime TD (5th highest in the game). The Commanders are ranked 5th in Passing Yards Allowed per Game (182.8) but only because teams can beat them on the ground. They rank 21st in terms of fantasy points allowed to opposing WRs where they average 142.30 receiving yards, 1.2TDs and 21 fantasy points per game to the position. Coupled with Brown’s career statistics against the Commanders, he is in line for a huge day especially if Smith and/or Ertz are out.
Projection: 10 targets 6 receptions 91 yards 1TD
DeVonta Smith
WR #20 on the year in Half PPR Scoring – 11.4 fantasy points per game (8 games played)
+210 Odds to Score an Anytime TD (8th Highest in the Game)
*DeVonta Smith is 5-1 (2-1 at home vs. 3-0 on the road) in his career against the Washington Commanders where he averages 79.8 Receiving Yards on 7.8 targets and 5.7 receptions with .5TDs per game*
This has been an extremely frustrating year for DeVonta Smith managers. Some of it might be due to the change in OCs this offseason. It could be taking time to acclimate both Brown and Smith into the offense at the same time since they did not have a ton of reps together in the pre-season. Hell, even just the fact that the refs didn’t blow the whistle in the game where his helmet came off and he got a concussion adds to his inconsistent season.
So far, Smith is averaging 60.88 receiving yards (77.75 yards at home vs. 44 yards on the road) on 6.25 targets and 4.63 receptions with .5TDs per game. Those numbers are still good for the WR #20 on the year in Half PPR Scoring, where he averages 11.4 fantasy points per game (8 games played). Even looking back at his best season ever (2022) where he averaged 70.35 receiving yards per game, he still had weeks where he ended with 0, 17, 44, 23, 22 and 39 yards. Consistency has never been his game and he is not a high volume target earner. What he can do is turn a 5 yard reception into a 55 yard TD due to his elite speed and agility.
Unfortunately, those traits do lead to more inconsistency and headaches when it comes to rostering him in Fantasy football. My biggest concern is his health. As I mentioned before, he has missed 1.5 games this season already due to the concussion and was a limited participant in practice on Tuesday. His hamstring injury popped up surprisingly mid-week prior to their game against the Cowboys where he went 3 targets 2 receptions for 14 yards. Although he was able to go through two full practices prior to the game, he still started this week as an estimated LP for their Thursday game. Even if he suits up, on a short week where they are favored by 3.5 points at home, I am not sure how involved he will be.
Vegas shares that uncertainty as they have only given him +210 odds to score an Anytime TD this week which is the 8th highest in the game. They have not set a receiving line for him or a total reception line either which leads me to believe that they are at least somewhat convinced that he will be missing tomorrow nights’ game. The bright side is that generally when he has a down game, the Eagles make a point to manufacture touches for him the following week. He also has great historical data against the Commanders in his career where he has played extremely well amassing a 5-1 record.
Projection: 7 targets 4 receptions 55 yards – (DeVonta Smith was taken off of the injury report 11/13/24 and is expected to be fully healthy for the game)
Dallas Goedert
TE #20 on the year in Half PPR Scoring – 8.6 fantasy points per game (6 games played)
+380 Odds to Score an Anytime TD (11th Highest in the Game)
*Dallas Goedert is 9-2 (4-1 at home vs. 5-1 on the road) in his career against the Washington Commanders where he averages 46.8 Receiving Yards on 5.3 targets and 3.9 receptions with .3TDs per game*
Dallas Goedert is another player with a questionable tag heading into this week’s game. When he has been healthy and on the field, he has been productive and an integral part in the Eagles’ passing game. He has never been a top tier TE option for fantasy and over the past few years, he has steadily declined in his usage. Age played a factor in that but mainly it has been the addition of weapons that reduce how necessary his involvement is to win the game.
So far, Goedert is averaging 54.33 receiving yards (23 yards at home vs. 85.67 yards on the road) on 5.33 targets and 4.33 receptions with .17TDs per game. Keep in mind, a lot of his production came in Week 3 when he had 170 receiving yards (in a week that AJ Brown was out). Even in his best season, he averaged 55.33 receiving yards on 5.07 targets and 3.73 receptions with .27TDs per game. He has never and will never be a first or second read target in this offense with the way it is constructed outside of some crazy situation (like in Week 3). Even with missing 3 games, he is still the TE #20 on the year in Half PPR Scoring where he is averaging 8.6 fantasy points per game.
In the TE landscape, you can keep him on your roster in the off-chance that AJ Brown or DeVonta Smith misses time in the coming weeks. Outside of that, he wouldn’t be someone that I would be turning to this week due to his limited practice on Tuesday from an ankle injury along with the fact that the Commanders rank 19th in fantasy points allowed to the TE position this season where they only give up 37 receiving yards and 6.2 fantasy points per week. Goedert has the track record against the Commanders, however, even with those 11 games in his career, he is still right around this current season’s averages for yards, receptions and TDs.
Vegas is in the same position with Goedert as they were with DeVonta Smith. They have given him +380 odds to score an Anytime TD which is the 11th highest in the game. Outside of that, they have not set a receiving line or a reception total for him as they might be fearing he is out this week.
Projection (If He Plays): 6 targets 3 receptions 33 yards
Washington Commanders Defense: 13th in Overall Defense (Yards + TDs Allowed)/5th in Passing Yards Allowed (182.8 yards per game)/28th in Rushing Yards Allowed (142.1 yards per game)/12th in Scoring Defense (21.7 points per game/27 Offensive TDs)/30th in Red Zone Defense (70.0%)/23rd in 3rd Down Defense (42.1%)/10th in Sacks (27)/8th in Turnover Differential (+6 – 4 INTs + 6 Fumbles)

submitted by 1standFantasyPodcast to fantasyfootball [comments]

2024.11.14 18:36 giovannimyles Defense is so irritating… its why I wanna rage

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I have two main builds. A 7′ Center with 7’4 wingspan and a 6’4 Shooting guard with a 6’11 wingspan. My center has 88 interior D, 88 blk, 96 def rebound, 92 strength, 80 vert and gold defensive badges. My SG has 92 perimeter D and 91 steal and 85 strength along with gold defensive badges. I play 1v1 often when I just don’t get passed the ball in 3v3. I need to practice getting up shots and practicing defense.
Everything defensive sets up the offensive player to score easier… I figure out the guards dribble pattern and go for the steal. I strip the ball and it rolls around as we fight for it. I’m now behind him in the scuffle and they pick it up and have a wide open lane for a dunk. They do the same dribble to setup their shot and so I time it and jump and get a tight contest… great right? Well i’m coming down from my contest and they are already sprinting for their own rebound and get an easy dunk. So next time I simply do hands up, but again I know their dribble, so I have my hands up and we are body to body as they are starting their shooting motion. I get a slight contest and they get a green shot. Mind you i’m a 6’4 with gold Challenger and 6’11 wingspan and they are a 6’2 PG.
Post defense is the worst of it all. I can have HoF Post Lockdown, 92 strength and have Intimidator Takeover which has added strength, block and interior D. I will still get backed down slowly to the rim and dropstep layup. If I happen to jump instead of hands up and make them miss the rebound falls into their hands and they can shoot again before I can even contest a second time. I have Gold Pogo Stick too.

submitted by giovannimyles to NBA2k [comments]

2024.11.14 14:22 adulting4kids World Building 2

More questions from the world building spreadsheet
Family Dynamics:

  1. How are family structures defined, and what roles do individuals play?
  2. Are there recognized family traditions or ceremonies?
  3. How is parenting approached, and are there unique parenting styles?
  4. What is the significance of extended family relationships?
  5. Are there cultural variations in family expectations and dynamics?
  6. How are familial responsibilities distributed among members?
  7. Are there recognized rites of passage for different life stages?
  8. How is adoption viewed, and are there specific adoption practices?
  9. How do families navigate conflicts and disagreements?
  10. Are there cultural norms around marriage and partnership?

Friendships and Social Circles:

  1. How are friendships formed, and what qualities are valued in friends?
  2. Are there recognized social events or gatherings for building connections?
  3. What role do shared interests play in forming social circles?
  4. How are friendships maintained over time and distance?
  5. Are there cultural expectations around loyalty and trust in friendships?
  6. How do individuals handle conflicts within their social circles?
  7. Are there recognized ceremonies or rituals for friendship milestones?
  8. What impact do social circles have on personal identity?
  9. How is inclusivity promoted within social groups?
  10. Are there societal attitudes towards individuals who prefer solitude?

Romantic Relationships:

  1. How are romantic relationships initiated and developed?
  2. Are there recognized cultural practices or rituals around courtship?
  3. How are long-distance relationships navigated in your world?
  4. What role does compatibility play in romantic partnerships?
  5. Are there societal expectations regarding monogamy or polyamory?
  6. How are weddings and unions celebrated in different cultures?
  7. What support systems exist for couples facing challenges?
  8. Are there cultural attitudes towards intercultural or inter-species relationships?
  9. How is the concept of love expressed and understood?
  10. Are there recognized relationship milestones or anniversaries?

Workplace Relationships:

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  1. How are professional relationships established and maintained?
  2. Are there recognized mentorship or apprenticeship programs?
  3. What role do workplace friendships play in daily life?
  4. How are conflicts resolved within professional settings?
  5. Are there recognized workplace traditions or celebrations?
  6. What impact do professional relationships have on career advancement?
  7. How are leadership and team dynamics approached?
  8. Are there cultural variations in work-life balance expectations?
  9. How is diversity and inclusion promoted within workplaces?
  10. Are there recognized practices for networking and relationship-building?

Community and Neighborly Relations:

  1. How do individuals interact with their neighbors in your world?
  2. Are there community events or festivals that foster connections?
  3. How are conflicts resolved within communities?
  4. What roles do community leaders play in maintaining cohesion?
  5. Are there cultural norms around sharing resources within communities?
  6. How do communities respond to crises or challenges?
  7. Are there recognized ceremonies or traditions that unite communities?
  8. What impact do digital technologies have on community interactions?
  9. How are newcomers welcomed into communities?
  10. Are there recognized practices for community service and volunteering?

Interpersonal Communication:

  1. How do individuals express emotions and feelings in your world?
  2. Are there recognized languages of love or affection?
  3. What role does non-verbal communication play in relationships?
  4. How are conflicts and disagreements communicated and resolved?
  5. Are there recognized cultural norms around active listening?
  6. How is humor used in interpersonal communication?
  7. What role do digital platforms play in maintaining connections?
  8. Are there recognized etiquette or manners in social interactions?
  9. How is gossip or information-sharing approached in your world?
  10. How do individuals navigate language barriers in relationships?

Generational Relations:

  1. How do different generations interact within families and communities?
  2. Are there recognized intergenerational ceremonies or celebrations?
  3. What role do elders play in shaping cultural values and traditions?
  4. How are younger generations educated about cultural heritage?
  5. Are there recognized rites of passage between generations?
  6. How do different age groups collaborate on projects or initiatives?
  7. Are there societal expectations regarding respect for elders?
  8. What impact do generational differences have on societal progress?
  9. How are conflicts or misunderstandings addressed between generations?
  10. Are there recognized practices for passing down wisdom or skills?

Conflict Resolution and Mediation:

  1. What methods are used to resolve conflicts within relationships?
  2. Are there recognized cultural practices around conflict mediation?
  3. How do legal systems handle interpersonal disputes?
  4. Are there recognized counselors or mediators for relationship issues?
  5. How is forgiveness and reconciliation approached in your world?
  6. Are there recognized ceremonies or rituals for conflict resolution?
  7. What role does empathy play in resolving interpersonal conflicts?
  8. How are systemic issues or injustices addressed within relationships?
  9. Are there recognized practices for preventing conflicts in the first place?
  10. How are disputes between individuals from different cultures resolved?

Celebrations and Milestones:

  1. How are personal achievements and milestones celebrated?
  2. Are there recognized coming-of-age ceremonies or celebrations?
  3. How do individuals support each other during challenging times?
  4. What role do communal celebrations play in fostering unity?
  5. Are there recognized cultural practices for expressing gratitude?
  6. How are birthdays or anniversaries celebrated in your world?
  7. What impact do personal achievements have on social status?
  8. Are there recognized practices for commemorating loved ones?
  9. How do individuals express condolences and support during grief?
  10. Are there cultural variations in the concept of personal success?

Influence of Technology on Relationships:

  1. How does technology impact the formation of relationships?
  2. Are there recognized practices for digital communication etiquette?
  3. How do individuals maintain connections in a digital age?
  4. What role do virtual reality or augmented reality play in relationships?
  5. How are privacy concerns addressed in digital relationships?
  6. Are there recognized practices for navigating online conflicts?
  7. How does technology influence dating and matchmaking?
  8. What impact does social media have on relationship dynamics?
  9. How is the concept of distance or proximity redefined in a digital world?
  10. Are there recognized practices for disconnecting from technology to enhance relationships?

These questions delve into the intricacies of interpersonal relationships in your fictional world, exploring the dynamics within families, friendships, romantic relationships, workplaces, communities, and more.

submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [comments]

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2024.11.14 06:50 tonyspagettis A couple of bingo card ideas I had

submitted by tonyspagettis to HyphonixYT [comments]

2024.11.14 04:27 jsds007x Self Tint vs Auto Tint – A Deep Dive from Personal Experience

After spending three years working on various car tinting projects (both successes and epic fails), I wanted to create the ultimate guide comparing DIY and professional window tinting. This comprehensive post will cover everything you need to know, including my personal experiences with both methods.
Buckle up, this is going to be a long one! 😅
Before diving into the comparison, let’s understand what we’re dealing with. Window tinting is more than just sticking a dark film on your windows (as I learned the hard way).
Window tint films are composed of multiple layers:

  • Protective liner
  • Adhesive layer
  • Dyed/metallic/ceramic layer
  • Scratch-resistant coating

These layers work together to provide:

  1. UV protection (up to 99%)
  2. Heat rejection (35-70% depending on type)
  3. Glare reduction
  4. Privacy enhancement
  5. Glass reinforcement
Type Heat Rejection Durability Appearance Electronic Interference Cost Range
Dyed 35-45% 2-5 years Good, may fade None $50-150 (DIY)
Metallic 45-60% 5-10 years Reflective Possible $200-500
Carbon 50-70% 7-12 years Matte black None $300-600
Ceramic 65-80% 10+ years Premium None $400-1000
Hybrid 45-65% 5-8 years Varies Minimal $250-550

Picture this: It’s summer 2021, and I’m standing in my garage with a $90 tint kit from Amazon, completely confident after watching 15 YouTube tutorials. Oh, how naive I was…
What I Used:

  • Basic dyed tint film ($90)
  • Tint tool kit ($30)
  • Spray solution ($15)
  • Heat gun ($45)
  • Plenty of optimism (free)

Day 1 – Front Windows:

  • Spent 2 hours just cleaning the windows
  • Another hour measuring and cutting (poorly)
  • 3 hours attempting installation
  • Result: Decent on passenger side, disaster on driver’s side

Day 2 – The Rest:

  • Rear windows took 4 hours
  • Back windshield… let’s not talk about it
  • Had to redo driver’s side window
  • Total time: 15 hours
  1. Bubbles galore:
    • Between film and glass
    • Around edges
    • Near defroster lines
  2. Debris problems:
    • Dust particles
    • Hair (my cat decided to “help”)
    • Lint from cleaning cloths
  3. Edge issues:
    • Peeling corners
    • Uneven cuts
    • Gap variations

After my DIY adventure, I decided to go professional for my new car. Here’s what happened:
8:00 AM – Arrival

  • Detailed inspection of the car
  • Discussion of tint options
  • Selected ceramic tint (70% front, 35% rear)

8:30 AM – Preparation

  • Professional cleaning of all windows
  • Computer-cut patterns for perfect fit
  • Climate-controlled environment

9:00 AM – Installation

  • Methodical application
  • Specialized tools and techniques
  • Clean workspace

11:30 AM – Completion

  • Final inspection
  • Care instructions
  • Warranty paperwork
Item DIY Cost Professional Cost
Materials $180 Included
Tools $90 N/A
Time Value* $300 N/A
Installation Free $500
Warranty None Lifetime
Potential Redo $180+ $0
Total $570+ $500

*Time value calculated at $20/hr for 15 hours

  • Slight purple discoloration
  • One corner starting to peel
  • Small bubbles appeared in summer
  • Some scratches from cleaning
  • Perfect clarity
  • No discoloration
  • Zero bubbles
  • Excellent heat rejection

This is crucial and often overlooked by DIY enthusiasts!

  • Front windows: Usually 70% minimum light transmission
  • Back windows: Typically 35% minimum
  • Windshield: Often restricted to top strip only
  • Reflective tint: Usually prohibited
  • Front tint darkness: Varies by state
  1. Preparation:
    • Clean workspace
    • Proper lighting
    • Temperature control
    • Quality materials
  2. Tools:
    • Sharp blades
    • Quality squeegee
    • Heat gun
    • Proper cleaning solutions
  3. Technique:
    • Watch multiple tutorials
    • Practice on scrap glass
    • Work slowly
    • Have patience
  1. Research:
    • Read reviews
    • Check certification
    • Verify warranty
    • Ask for samples
  2. Questions to Ask:
    • Type of film used
    • Warranty coverage
    • Installation time
    • After-care instructions
Aspect DIY Professional
Initial Cost $570 $500
Maintenance $100 $0
Repairs/Redo $300 $0
Value Loss -$200 +$200
Total $1170 $300
  • 85% of DIY attempts require at least partial redo
  • Professional tints last 5-10 years longer on average
  • 92% satisfaction rate with professional installation
  • 45% of DIY installers eventually seek professional help
  • UV protection can reduce interior temperature by up to 60%

After three years of experience with both methods, here’s my honest conclusion:
Go DIY if:

  • You enjoy learning new skills
  • Have plenty of time
  • Are working with a tight budget
  • Don’t mind potential imperfections

Go Professional if:

  • You value perfect results
  • Want long-term reliability
  • Need warranty coverage
  • Have a neweluxury vehicle

The money I “saved” going DIY on my first car was ultimately spent on redoing portions of the tint. The stress and time investment weren’t worth it. However, I don’t regret the experience – it gave me a much better appreciation for professional work.
I’d love to hear about your experiences! Have you tried either method? What were your results? Any horror stories or success stories to share?
Edit 1: Thanks for all the awards and comments! I’m trying to respond to everyone!
Edit 2: Several people asked about specific products – I’ve added more details in the comments.
Edit 3: RIP my inbox! Thanks for all the messages. I’ll try to answer more questions tomorrow!
Remember: Whether you choose DIY or professional, proper research and patience are key! Good luck with your tinting journey! 🚗✨

submitted by jsds007x to CarAddOns [comments]

2024.11.14 02:53 StepbroJay ASVAB practice test

2024.11.14 00:33 sekazi Issue with 22LR Practice Kit for 92 Series Threaded Barrel

2024.11.14 00:32 HelloIAmAStoner Has anyone ever purchased an item, gotten a partial refund almost immediately, and the item never gets sent?

I ordered (not auctions, just purchased directly) two different used Zelda games for my Switch on November 5. One ships from my country of the US, and the other ships from Japan. The Japan one has so far given me a tracking number and I see the first shipping update after “label printed”.
However, the domestic one issued a partial refund exactly 23 hours after I placed the order (total price of the order is $31.50 and the refund amount is $26.58 (84.4%), so I’ve gotten all but $4.92 of what I paid refunded without requesting a refund in the first place, and without contacting the seller in general at all), and no updates on shipping nor the remainder of the order amount.
Have you ever dealt with a similar situation? I haven’t contacted the seller yet but I plan to on the 19th, 2 weeks after placing my order. I’ve been buying on ebay for years and nothing like this has ever happened to me before. It’s especially bad timing because my first attempt ordering the same game from a different seller earlier that day got fully refunded by the seller due to “payment processing issues” and someone snagged the relisting before the seller even sent the link to me (it was under a different seller account so I couldn’t just check their other item listings to find it).
What a strange thing to do. I’m guessing it must have been an accident. One of my first thoughts was, this person’s trying to get a free $5, but I know ebay practically always sides with the customer in disputes so I seriously doubt it was done on purpose. But they haven’t said anything or issued the rest of the refund, so the situation is sort of in limbo right now. Hopefully they at least respond and clear it up when I ask about it. I don’t want to report or leave negative feedback if I don’t have to, but if they don’t communicate, I will feel obligated to.
Update: As soon as I sent the seller a message, they refunded the rest and said they couldn’t find time to ship it. Oh well.

submitted by HelloIAmAStoner to Ebay [comments]

2024.11.14 00:30 PM_YOUR_MDL_INITIAL New Year’s Resolution 2022 – Week 36 – Parker Vacumatic

My New Year’s Resolution for 2022 is to use each one of my pens for a week straight (and only that one pen for the week) in order to really discover what I like/dislike about them and fine tune my collection. If you have any critiques/comments about the review or your own thoughts about this pen I’d love to hear them. Links to my previous reviews can be found at the end.
The Parker Vacumatic laminated celluloid pens are among the most iconic pens that have ever been produced. They’re also among the most interesting because of all of the variations. There has literally been a book written about them. They were produced from the early 1930’s through the late 1940’s and, in general, are not particularly rare. They are frequently found in restored, ready to write, condition. How does a ~75 year old pen stack up with the pens of today?
This review is going to be a little weird because I am reviewing a single pen but trying to encompass my thoughts on the entirety of the range.
Looks (Rating: 8/10)
The specific pen I am using for this review is a 1945 Vac Major in Silver Pearl. This pen is a single jewel with a blue diamond clip. My rating is a very conservative 8. The pen is made up of layers of chatoyant celluloid interlaced with black celluloid. There is about 1.25” section of the barrel that has transparent celluloid so that, when held up to a light, you can see the ink level. The colored material has light and dark bands. The overall appearance is of a New York City skyscraper at night. The top of the cap has the ‘jewel’. It’s a solid black, conical shaped piece of celluloid that sits inside a trim ring attached to the clip. The clip is in Parker’s famous arrow shape. It has the blue diamond which, similar to Shaeffer’s white dot, signifies a quality guarantee. Below the blue diamond is the Parker name in stacked lettering. This pen has the common chevron cap band which is a solid band engraved with a chevron pattern. There is also a blank spot for engraving initials. Under the cap is a solid black section with Parker’s 14k gold arrow nib. The barrel has a barely legible imprint with “Geo. S Parker PARKER VACUMATIC Made in U.S.A. 5.” The “5.” part of the imprint denotes that this pen was made in the 3rd quarter of 1945. The base of the barrel has a blind cap that is unadorned. Some earlier models also had a jewel here like the one on the cap. They are appropriately named ‘double-jewel’ models. The restoration on this one was excellent and it looks almost new. The only significant sign of age is plating wear on the nib.
There are variations on the jewels, clips, cap bands, and the size of the pen but what really makes these pens is the stacked celluloid. That feature is consistent across the range (mostly, there are seamed barrels but they don’t substantively change the look). The other standard colors of the stacked celluloid models are Emerald Pearl, Azure Blue Pearl, Burgundy Pearl, Brown Pearl, and Black. There are a host of other, less common, variations and unofficial models.
In the hand (Rating: 6/10)
The Vacumatics had a number of different sizes during their production and it can be a little hard to follow. The Major version is, more or less, the mid-sized model. Capped length is 129mm, and just 119mm uncapped. For that reason I only use this pen posted which brings the length to 150mm. Posting is fairly deep, feels secure, and doesn’t negatively impact the balance. Weight is 18g overall and a light 12g uncapped. In comparison to modern pens it’s similar to a Pelikan m200. The short section is concave with a minimum diameter of just 8.3mm and max of 9.5mm, both of which are a little too small to be comfortable to me. I hold the pen higher up on the threads. With the cap posted it feels fine writing that way. 2 cap rotations are required to get it on or off which isn’t ideal. The clip has some spring and still feels sturdy enough to use but it’s not something I’d take a chance with on 75 year old pen.
Filling and maintenance (Rating: 4/10)
The Vacumatic filling system was a departure from the typical sac filled lever pens of the day. Under the blind cap is a splunger that, when pressed, expands a diaphragm forcing air out of the barrel and when released draws ink in. There is a breather tube that allows for air being pushed out without expelling ink. To fill the pen you put the nib in ink and press the plunger repeatedly until you no longer see air bubbles when the plunger is pressed. To clean the pen you can push ink out using the plunger and then repeat the filling process with water until it runs clean. To get it completely clean is difficult so these are best suited to being ‘one ink’ pens. Any maintenance should be done by a professional as it can require some special tools and knowledge to do correctly. Fortunately these pens are relatively sturdy so the chances of needing a major repair on one that has already been restored are low.
Writing experience (Rating: 7/10)
The 14k gold nibs are smooth but stiff. There is no ‘vintage flex’ to be found here. I have read that they had some flexible nibs and Canadian made nibs may be softer but all 6 of my Majors are stiff. That’s not a complaint though. They’re all perfectly reliable writers. The nibs aren’t marked but, as I understand it, most Vacumatics had fine nibs. The line width on the one in this review seems to run consistent with a Western fine.
Quality (Rating: 8/10)
It’s a 75 year old pen that could be used as a workhorse today. None of it feels fragile or like you have to treat it with special care. The quality and availability of parts (for the ‘normal’ models) leaves me with no doubt it could easily go another 75 years. The quality is so good that I didn’t make any caveats in my rating because it is a vintage pen (like I did with my Moore L-92 which is just over 100 years old). It stacks up favorably compared to current pens.
Value (Rating: 8/10)
This can vary depending on the specific model you get. Prices for different Vacumatic models can range from a little over $100 to near $1000, with rarer models commanding even more than that. This 1945 Major in Silver Pearl, which is in excellent condition, was less than $150. So you can have one of the most iconic pens of all time for a similar price of an entry level gold nibbed pen. It practically sells itself.
Final thoughts (Overall Rating 40/60)
I fell in love with the looks of the Vacumatic, then I fell in love with how it writes. Finally, I decided to make it something more. There isn’t anything particularly special about my collection of Vac Majors except that all of them are from 1945, the year my Dad was born (excluding the Burgundy because that color wasn’t made in ‘45). He passed in 2019 before I started this collection so it’s my little way of honoring his memory within a hobby I love because he always dove into hobbies I was interested in with me. He would engage with me in them, learn about them, participate in them, he even got into a couple of them beyond what I did. This is a small way to keep his memory connected to a hobby I find a lot of joy in. My Vacumatics are on display in a cabinet behind my desk next to his picture. The objective rating of this pen is a 40, putting it in my top tier of pens, but the sentimental value is many times more than that.

submitted by PM_YOUR_MDL_INITIAL to PenReviews [comments]

2024.11.13 23:01 AutoModerator [MOD POST] Finding, Writing, and Sharing High-Quality Reviews

Hi all,
This post will become the latest automoderator post in the group, RepWeidianSneakers. It will aim to help community members either identify high-quality reviews to use when forming their opinions OR write their own high-quality reviews to give back to the community. This post will outline the key components of a high-quality review, and community members can easily reference this post when navigating the rep world, as certain communities can be littered with paid promotional ads from “reviewers,” which can lead to newer members being led astray.
This group was built upon the philosophy of doing your own research in order to form educated opinions. Thinking back to middle school, finding reputable sources is key in this process. Let’s go over how to spot reliable content and how to produce reliable content yourself.

  1. Include Anything Needed to Remake the Purchase from Scratch:

Imagine you are brand new to the rep world. What information would you need in order to remake the purchase you are reviewing?
a. Seller Name and Contact Information (W2C Link, WeChat, or WhatsApp)
b. Batch Name
c. Silhouette Name
d. Price Paid
e. Payment Method Used

  1. In-Hand Pictures

You purchased the product and have it in your hands. Take some pictures! Reviews are not the time to use QC pictures, stock pictures, or no pictures at all. In my experience, reviews without pictures are often seller-alt accounts or buyers posting only because the seller asked them to.
And look, I get it. Not everyone has the time to write detailed posts for every single post. When he’s not giving us solid batch vs batch comparisons, group member Chyllian gives us some crisp in-hand pictures with most of the relevant information listed above, like he does here in his in-hand post of GX Batch AJ4 F&F Mochas.

  1. What Led You to Purchase This Batch In Particular? How Does Your Purchase Compare to Other Batches On The Market?

Remember, mentioning the batch name is in the Bare Minimum section, so we’ve already lost the majority of reviews from the paid “reviewers.” This is of course not counting when they do list a batch name and it either is a non-existent batch or is not actually what they received.
Here is your chance to take people through your thought process. Don’t simply say “message this seller and use my discount code: SoldMySoulForShoes” – walk the readers through it. “I purchased Y Batch because of its overall accuracy and price point/advantages over Z Batch including XYZ/it was on sale even though it is not a top batch.” Or, you can simply compare and contrast pros and cons of your purchase versus other batches on the market.
Example: Check out group member content_baby_6763‘s review on DGC AJ3 AMMs here. They go over the current options on the market and why they made the selection that they did. Add in the well-formatted title and detailed logistical review, and it’s a great review.

  1. Title Contains Key Terms to Make the Post Searchable

What good is your review if nobody can find it? Make sure your title contains the relevant details that someone using the search bar would need to use to find your post. In order of importance, this includes Batch Name, Silhouette, Price, and Seller Name. An example of a strong title would be [REVIEW] $92 LJR Batch TS1 Fragments from TMF.
Example: This review from group member Shatterrrrrr does this excellently, outlines his overall purchasing process, and even touches on flaws on his purchase. Even as a first time post, this review blows many others out of the water.

  1. Formatting!

How you format a review can go a long way. Don’t just write a block of text as that can be difficult to follow. Reddit offers different formatting options like bold, italics, headings, titles. Use these to your advantage.
Example: Check out rep veteran Rep-Hippie‘s on-foot review, where he uses headings to separate his review into different sections, making it easy for the reader to either follow completely or quickly find specific sections.

  1. Linking Relevant Posts or Resources

This is a personal favorite of mine. Rather than simply stating an opinion, let people see it with their own eyes. Linking batch comparison posts, replica vs retail posts, stock images, or even other reviews in your post can help show others you’ve done your research. It also expedites the research process for any readers. Again, Rep-Hippie’s review linked above does this excellently.

  1. Going Above and Beyond With Details

This is going to be the hardest point to hit unless you really, really put in the work in terms of knowing the product you purchased. The reviews that I personally weigh most are those that hit all of the points above and display a great depth of knowledge. rep veteran previous_muffin_6199 constantly puts on masterclasses of this, but I’ll like just one example here of his review on Updated LJR AJ4 Military Blues. In a singular post, you get a replica vs retail comparison, a batch vs batch comparison, tips on how to legit check (from batch characteristics to size tag details), to tips on how to make sure you aren’t unintentionally or intentionally bait and switched. In my opinion, this is where everyone should try to get, but it takes time, effort, and practice.
Let me be clear – receiving a pair discounted or at no cost does not disqualify anyone from writing a helpful, truthful review. Sure, readers should be more wary when they see a review for a product that was in some way subsidized. However, it takes effort and some knowledge to actually write a review, and not just be a seller-servant advertising account. Without effort, you end up advertising upmarked budget batches, or becoming the people lying in the comments under each other’s posts. Utilizing the components listed above, you should be able to distinguish between anyone who is “reviewing” simply for the sake of receiving free pairs of shoes, and those who are reviewing in order to help the community. Don’t forget that anyone can become a “reviewer,” and it’s ultimately up to you to decide what kind of reviewer you’d like to be. As Uncle Ben once said…
If anyone reading has any recommendations for additions to this post, please leave a comment below. Otherwise, let’s keep up the great work in this group.

submitted by AutoModerator to repweidiansneakers [comments]

2024.11.13 22:43 Arachnidish I think I might actually pull this off

I hope this is okay to share, I’m just so proud of myself. Sometimes I feel like I go a long time without any real personal success.
I just took my Anatomy & Physiology midterm and got a 92%. As much as I wanted to do better…an A is an A and I can’t believe I’m doing so well! This is the last prerequisite I need before I can apply to the mortuary program.
After everything came crashing down two years ago, I’ve been struggling to find my place in the world. Then two family members and three friends died unexpectedly this year, and I realized my mental and emotional fortitude made me well equipped to handle grief, and this is something I can actively give back to the world.
I’ve never felt so “on the right track” until now. I’m actually going to do it. I’m really going to pull this off. I’m going to get my mortician’s license, become a grief counselor, and advocate for sustainable/alternative death care practices where I live. I’m going to help people get their affairs in order and hopefully help reduce the cost of dying. I’m so excited for my future, and that’s saying something –because earlier this year, I wasn’t even sure if I had one.
Anyway, thanks for reading.

submitted by Arachnidish to DecidingToBeBetter [comments]

2024.11.13 21:05 xXRH11NOXx Passed 008 this morning!!

I passed and i still cant believe it!! This shit is amazing! I passed with a 755 and this is my 2nd attempt. Failed Oct 2nd with a 670. Felt like garbage about it because I have been in an IT for 10 years now. I took the A+ in 2013 and it expired 2016; never really having time to renew. This test is hard and the pbqs can get confusing/misleading. I started studying in June with a course through work but after the first test attempt it was clear I needed extra material. Here are the things i used:
— All professor messer videos, course notes, and study groups. Reviewed twice or close to it. — Net + exam objectives printed out in a notebook and wrote a defintion or what it does sentence for 95% of the topics. — ITprotv course with multiple practice tests. — Dion tests with decent scores for each. 1st round 73, 77, 84, 77, 91, 87. Second round 83, 86, 92, 95 but didnt do the last 2 again. — CallMeRed for all 008 pbq examples. Watched them all multiple times and picked up small clues that helped in the pbqs this morning. Things like actually reading the scenario closely haha
I’ve done at least 25+ hours of practice exams alone (wed night and sun nights) but even with that none of the questions 100% relate to the real exam; which is painful. To be honest, the real exam needs an additional 15 to 30 minutes and a pause button to regroup during the test. All in all i cant believe i actually passed and have lurking here everytime im on reddit to see what everyone else is doing to prepare.
Thank you everyone who contributes and helps out!! It is appreciated!

submitted by xXRH11NOXx to CompTIA [comments]

2024.11.13 21:00 zackk3030 Series 63 Tomorrow

I’ve been posting on here the past 2-3 months. Got through my SIE and Series 6 first try with no finance background and was feeling good. The series 63 has taken me by surprise. I know I’m getting decent grades between PassPerfect and Kaplan but I’m so nervous for tomorrow. PassPerfect has had literally 100+ spelling and grammatical errors as well as straight up wrong answers. I feel as if studying with PP has done me a disservice. Regardless, test tomorrow. Any last words of encouragement or advice? Hopefully this will be my last post on here. My practice scores are below.

  1. 67 (PP)
  2. 81 (PP)
  3. 79 (PP)
  4. 75 (PP)
  5. 76.92 (KL)
  6. 81.54 (KL)
  7. 76 (PP)
  8. 87 (PP)
  9. 69.23 (KL)
  10. 89 (PP)
  11. 81 (PP)
  12. 86 (PP)
  13. 86 (PP)

submitted by zackk3030 to Series7exam [comments]

2024.11.13 20:59 zackk3030 Series 63 Tomorrow

I’ve been posting on here the past 2-3 months. Got through my SIE and Series 6 first try with no finance background and was feeling good. The series 63 has taken me by surprise. I know I’m getting decent grades between PassPerfect and Kaplan but I’m so nervous for tomorrow. PassPerfect has had literally 100+ spelling and grammatical errors as well as straight up wrong answers. I feel as if studying with PP has done me a disservice. Regardless, test tomorrow. Any last words of encouragement or advice? Hopefully this will be my last post on here. My practice scores are below.

  1. 67 (PP)
  2. 81 (PP)
  3. 79 (PP)
  4. 75 (PP)
  5. 76.92 (KL)
  6. 81.54 (KL)
  7. 76 (PP)
  8. 87 (PP)
  9. 69.23 (KL)
  10. 89 (PP)
  11. 81 (PP)
  12. 86 (PP)
  13. 86 (PP)

submitted by zackk3030 to Series6 [comments]

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